Month: October 2021

Family Sayings

Family Sayings: I have often wondered how our language, the words we use in our everyday life, came into being. Why is a chair called a chair, a friend named a friend, etc.? Well, our family like everyone else’s clan, has a few exclusive words or phrases that are used only by us. This jargon..

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The Many Forms Of Retirement

COVID has made everyone take a good hard look at their lives. The very first lockdown back in March 2020 hit everyone in the running lights. Mass layoffs, restricted movements, no school, etc. affected everyone. Young people, who had busy working and family lives suddenly found themselves stuck at home with just the spouse and..

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With the celebration of Thanksgiving this weekend, I wanted to stop and think about all the things I am thankful for. It really comes as no surprise to me that my gratitude is mostly aimed at those who in the past and in the present have touched and influenced my life. As I get older,..

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