Ah, February—the brooding, temperamental middle child of winter. It stands as nature’s blunt reminder that the cold isn’t over, your New Year’s resolutions are likely in shambles, and Valentine’s Day may not live up to one’s expectations. If January is the month when we valiantly attempt to get our act together, February is when we..
Author: lyndap
Adoption day finally arrived. The first visitor was an elderly woman looking for a quiet companion to share her days. After carefully surveying the troop, it came as no surprise when she chose Chaplain—the only one who allowed her to pet him. Steven watched as Chaplain nestled into the woman’s lap, purring softly. It was..
Due to the length of this story, it will be in two parts. Have you ever told a story that runs the emotional gamut—surprise, amusement, anxiety, fear, happiness, sadness, and gratitude? Well, this tale checks every box and even throws in a little chaos for good measure. It’s not my story, but my son Steven’s…
Christmas is fast approaching! Is your shopping done? Are all the gifts wrapped, decorations up, cookies baked? For many women, this time of year feels like a festive triathlon: dashing through the mall, juggling wrapping paper rolls, and dodging the last-minute gift crowds. Ask a woman if she’s ready, and she’ll probably say, “Almost done!”..
Ah, the goofs, the slip-ups, the self-inflicted blunders—the countless silly, ridiculous things we’ve all done over the years. How many times have you found yourself cringing, thinking, Did I really just do that? We’ve all felt that sting of embarrassment. But as we grow older (and hopefully wiser), we learn the secret to survival: don’t..
As we age, we are blessed with the wonderful gift of aging, the gift that just keeps on giving and giving, resulting in unexpected obstacles that require us to constantly change and adapt our behaviour. So, the question arises, “How does one cope when things seemingly spiral out of our control?” The answers may lie..
Do your middle-aged kids often question your ideas and behaviours? Do they give you that look—the one that says, “Are you sure you’re not losing it?” Welcome to the club! My kids are always threatening to put me in ‘the home’. But honestly, I like to keep them guessing. Sometimes I even give them a..
An Update for My Readers: I haven’t been posting stories on From the Senior’s Corner recently, but that doesn’t mean I’ve given up on writing. My focus has shifted to a new project—writing a book that will be available on Amazon within a couple of weeks. It’s been quite a journey, pushing me far outside..
Because those readers of my blog may not be part of my newsletter following, I am sharing this article with both audiences this week. Have you been to your family doctor’s office lately? Look around the waiting room and see who is seated there. You’ll likely find women, women with children, and the occasional..
If there’s one thing that makes my son question the meaning of life, it’s me asking him for computer help. Imagine asking a NASA engineer to troubleshoot a toaster—now you have a rough idea of our tech support sessions. Take the other day, for instance, I’d just finished writing an article when I realized that..